Self-Sabotage and Your Recovery
You’ve done the therapy, self-help and have even worked the 12 Steps only to find that your life is still very much colored by painful thoughts and emotions that bring with them the pattern of self-sabotaging behavior. You are tired of not living your dream life in recovery and you are tired of experiencing more of the same even though you have been sober for years.
Self-sabotage comes in different forms. If any of these behaviors describe you then you have fallen into a pain cycle that sabotages your future dreams:
1- You are a procrastinator. You don’t do what you say you are going to do
2- You play it small by hiding your talents. You dare not dream too large.
3- You dislike change and you do everything to keep the status quo.
4- You over do things.You work too much, eat too much,obsess over negativity too much…
The Sound In Recovery program at The Sound Code addresses self-defeating behavior such as self-sabotage. If this article resonates with who you are now join me in jumpstarting your shift towards a vibrant future. A future that resonates on a higher frequency: defined by clarity, action, gratitude, love and a shift towards higher consciousness. See what our one-month program can do for you
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