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Sound Healing: A Non-Medical Approach to Stress Induced Dis-ease

I have used sound and vibration to address and overcome worrisome health issues such as aberrant cells, foot pain and high levels of emotional stress. My clients have found sustained relief from depression, anxiety, negative thinking, high blood pressure, mental fog, sprains, injuries and many other conditions.

It has been said that stress is responsible for 90% of all illness and disease. Only 10% is attributed to genetic factors. Sound healing has been used since ancient times as a highly effective stress reducing modality.

Sound and vibration healing is still an effective means for empowering health and overall well-being in today’s modern world. In this Youtube video, Dr. Bruce Lipton explains exactly why and how sound healing works. I encourage you to watch the whole video. In case you are short on time. I have jotted down a few of Dr. Lipton’s important talking points.

He explains that vibrational energy is more effective at delivering information to a biological system than a chemical messenger (standard medication) is. When a chemical messenger binds with something in order for it to work it loses 98% of information during the chemical reaction of binding. This means that only 2% of necessary information is being carried to the system with a chemical messenger. No such loss exists when using vibrational energy to carry a message to the body. A vibrational message sends 100% of information to the system and it does so at a much faster rate. He also goes onto explain that chemical signals travel at about 1 foot per second whereas vibration travels at 186,000 miles per second. So in terms of transferring information, vibration is 100x more efficient than a chemical signal.

Sound healing uses the principle of constructive interference. This is when one energy couples with another to enhance it: bringing harmony and coherence where there is disharmony or incoherence. This is why one can feel so good after a constructive sound session.

Sound healing is not a replacement for professional medical help. It is a complement to Western medicine. It also falls into the category of alternative medicine for those seeking a non-medical approach to mind-body health.

Is Depression Ruining Your Recovery?

An estimated 16.2 million Americans suffer from depression. Those in recovery are twice as likely to suffer from it or other mood disorders when compared to the general population. Recognized as a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities, depression is often accompanied with overwhelming sadness and problems in the areas of sleeping, eating, concentration, energy, and self-worth. (

Working with an experienced mental health professional when experiencing depression is always recommended. This is especially true when there is a tendency towards suicidal ideation or when there is a diagnosis of bi-polar or psychotic depression.

Complementary to working with a licensed therapist, support for depression can also be found in the growing field of alternative medicine. Sound and vibrational wellness tools such as Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field therapy, Cymatic therapy, and traditional sound healing instruments can all address the symptoms of depression with or without the use of medication.

Sound stimulates the nerves and cells of the body and brain with gentle and nurturing frequencies. A combination of sound and earth-based geomagnetic waves power up the electrical charge along with the resonant frequency state of the body’s cells. Like exercise, health frequencies keep cells fit, charged and functioning within their range of optimal wellness. This cellular exercise provides soothing regenerative support to the brain and body that is welcome relief after years of the damaging effects of long time drug or alcohol use. Repeated sessions have a cumulative effect of entraining the brain and body to a state of coherence and wellness that can be sustained when accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to knowing how to use such healing instruments, an experienced sound and energy medicine practitioner will assist with the important task of releasing trapped emotions that reside within the physical or energetic body of the affected client. According to vibrational medicine and ancient wisdom teachings, negative trapped emotions can lower a person’s overall vibration; directly contributing to depressed or other low vibrational states such as fear, self-pity, guilt…etc. Sound healing works by entraining the body and brain to higher and healthier frequency states. As a result of cumulative sessions, one can experience the true gifts of vibrant health, a relaxed and clear mindset and an overall feeling of expanded awareness.