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Shining Light On The Shadow: Sound-based Recovery Support

You hear the dreaded words,”We need to talk“. You missed the FINAL submission deadline and to top it all off your favorite jeans are feeling way to snug after last night’s Italian fiesta. As life throws it’s steady stream of challenges, you find that your shadow side begins a slow and steady take over as if you were Dr. Jeckyll battling Mr. Hyde.

The shadow is the side of ourselves we don’t like to associate as part of our identity. Psychologist Carl Jung wrote, “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is” (Jung, 1938, p. 131). It is made up of fears, shame, guilt, grief, resentments, jealousy, anger and other aspects we don’t like to freely admit as part of our make-up. Our shadow, unmanaged can overwhelm us with brute force or it may simply linger or hide unconsciously in the mind and body.

Sound healing and vibrational shifting support tools such as breath work, guided visualization, meditation, bio-tuning and energy work entrain the body and brain to a relaxed and healthier resonant state. This foundation is key to experiencing unconditional presence and for diminishing the power of the shadow over us.

Significant shifts are usually felt within the first week or two of partaking in a customized sound & vibrational based support program. It takes roughly eight weeks for a healthier resonance to be sustained so that one is better equipped to integrate the shadow. Results are cumulative, subtle and yet profound.

Learn more about how you can up-level your recovery here: Sound-Based Recovery Support

Jung, C.J. (1938). Psychology and religion. Binghamton, NY: The Vail-Ballou Press, Inc.

Dispel Toxic Mind-Body Patterns with Sound Healing

Years ago, I tended to blame others or outside circumstances for the bulk of my problems. Thoughts like, “if only he loved me” or “if only I got that specialized degree … things would surely be better”. The fact of the matter is that incessant negative thinking only drove me deeper into a low frequency energy state where I could only imagine the proverbial glass as being half full.

It wasn’t until years later that I discovered many miracles can occur when one shifts energetically to a higher frequency state of being. I’m not talking about simple positive thinking or gratitude lists here. I am talking about a shift that goes beyond the intellect. A shift that runs deep – on the cellular, subconscious and soul levels. Enter the power of sound and vibrational healing.

If you aren’t happy with the results that your current thoughts, emotions and body are stuck in then you may want to take action in shifting your resonant operating frequency (ROF): the frequency your body and mind are operating in most often. Stress, illness, toxic thoughts or prior substance abuse negatively alter ROF leaving one to feel less than ok. According to Cymatic therapy expert, Chris Gibbs, symptoms such as pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression and lack of mental focus are just some of the health issues that result from lowered ROF.

Sound and vibrational sessions entrain the mind and body to healthier resonant frequency states. A healing shift can occur when sound is coupled with focused intention during a deeply relaxed state. It is common to experience a lightness of being that comes with an expansion in consciousness. Motivation and overall wellness are added bonuses. It is healing that runs deep – on the cellular, subconscious and soul levels. This is the power of sound.

An experienced sound or Cymatic practitioner will tailor sessions to address your particular emotional and/or physical pain cycle. They will also provide you with new thought ancient wisdom tools to help sustain the frequency shift going forward. Sharada LaSpisa is a certified Cymatic practitioner, Reiki Master, Yoga Instructor and Sounder.

Gibbs, Chris. Cymatherapy: A Practical Guide for Everyone.Rothersthorpe:Paragon Publishing,2010.