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Filling the Void in Recovery with Sound Healing

Why is it that despite outward signs of success, praise and fame in a given career and or in other areas of life, some can’t seem to shake off the feeling that something is terribly wrong or missing in their lives? This is as true for those in recovery as it is for a practicing addict. Regardless of the amount of time spent in recovery, many in 12 steps continue to suffer, often quietly, from unresolved emotions or the feeling that something just isn’t quite right as if there were some emptiness or a void that needs filling.

Author and sacred music producer Dr. Michael Levy writes about the importance of the formative years for developing healthy emotional responsiveness later in life. If during the first 11 years of life a child experiences gaps in receiving a consistent high quality of love from their prominent care giver/s the child will most likely go on to feel the repercussions of this missing love later in life. He goes on to add that many of us find that there is “a hole, an inner feeling of rejection, a void in our hearts” that “drives us to search for it our entire lives without even knowing what we are looking for”. (Levry)

For many in recovery the formative years consist of varying levels of dysfunction peppered with drug, alcohol, physical and or emotional abuse. So, if Dr. Levry’s assessment is correct, then it comes as no surprise that this feeling of living life with a persistent void is all too familiar.

The Sound in Recovery program is a unique sound and vibration-based program designed to locate and shift disturbances in the energy body due to stored emotional pain and years of toxic stress. Throughout the 8-week process, a sound and energy practitioner works closely to entrain incoherent disturbances in your energy field to a state of coherence. Healing sound frequencies entrain the body back to a prime optimal resonant state so that overall healing can occur. In addition, clients receive one-on-one coaching in a series of action-oriented steps for integrating the high vibrational shift in their lives.

Carrying emotional pain and trauma in the energy body is like carrying around dead weight. It prevents us from fully enjoying what is going well in our lives and it also prevents us from living in the present. If left unchecked, energetic disturbances eventually embed themselves in the physical and mental body and manifest as pain related dis-ease or chronic stress issues such as anxiety and depression. The onset of this can be the subtle yet constant feeling that there exists a void or absence of sorts within. Something is wrong even when we can’t name just what that something is. Sound and vibrational healing modalities yield results in a gentle yet profound way often igniting a newfound sense of freedom, lightness of being and a sustained sense of over-all well-being. Testimonials.

Photo by Cristian Bernadet

Levry, Joseph.“Healing Emotional Trauma for a Healthy and Happy Life”. Rootlight. N.p Jan. 2019. Web 26 Sept. 2019

Sound Healing for Emotional Freedom

Emotional suppression, or stuck emotions can be the result of parental or societal conditioning. Think of the little boy who wasn’t allowed to cry or show fear because he was told at a young age to man up. Suppression can also be due to trauma such as an accident or physical abuse.

When we suppress or distract ourselves from uncomfortable emotions by turning to food, cigarettes, drugs, sex or any other distraction, the vibration of the emotion will continue to linger on and radiate in our mental, emotional, energetic and physical bodies. Over time this disruption or incoherence in the body system leaves us susceptible to pain and dis-ease. A lifelong pattern of suppressing low vibratory emotions will leave an indelible imprint on us and those around us as it becomes a central part of how we present ourselves in the world.

Most people have experienced coming across someone that simply gives off a bad vibe. This usually means we are coming across someone who hasn’t done the job of processing feelings of anger, hatred or resentment. These unresolved emotions are now permeating their being and coloring who they are. They walk around broadcasting their low vibratory field of hate and resentment out to others and as a result they are also drawing more of it in. This is true of any low vibrational emotion.Some people broadcast the frequency of sadness, or shame..etc. A broadcast sends out a signal to the universe that you are open to receive more to be saddened or shamed about. This is the law of vibration or as it is better known, “the law of attraction”.

It isn’t easy to remedy years of emotional suppression. The Sound In Recovery Program is an 8-week program that uses advanced sound technology along with other vibrational shifting energy medicine modalities tailored to pinpoint, dispel and transmute whatever stuck emotions are holding you back from living a full and vibrant life. Sound is used as the primary means of entraining the mind and body to healthier or higher vibrational frequency states.

As a result of shedding toxic suppressed emotions one begins to enjoy better health, joy and a newfound passion for living. Low vibrational emotions can be replaced with higher frequency, life sustaining emotions of your choosing such as joy, love and enthusiasm. Sound healing and energy medicine are not a substitute for psychotherapy or professional drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

Start the frequency shift today and discover the joy of living life vibrantly.


Dispel Toxic Mind-Body Patterns with Sound Healing

Years ago, I tended to blame others or outside circumstances for the bulk of my problems. Thoughts like, “if only he loved me” or “if only I got that specialized degree … things would surely be better”. The fact of the matter is that incessant negative thinking only drove me deeper into a low frequency energy state where I could only imagine the proverbial glass as being half full.

It wasn’t until years later that I discovered many miracles can occur when one shifts energetically to a higher frequency state of being. I’m not talking about simple positive thinking or gratitude lists here. I am talking about a shift that goes beyond the intellect. A shift that runs deep – on the cellular, subconscious and soul levels. Enter the power of sound and vibrational healing.

If you aren’t happy with the results that your current thoughts, emotions and body are stuck in then you may want to take action in shifting your resonant operating frequency (ROF): the frequency your body and mind are operating in most often. Stress, illness, toxic thoughts or prior substance abuse negatively alter ROF leaving one to feel less than ok. According to Cymatic therapy expert, Chris Gibbs, symptoms such as pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression and lack of mental focus are just some of the health issues that result from lowered ROF.

Sound and vibrational sessions entrain the mind and body to healthier resonant frequency states. A healing shift can occur when sound is coupled with focused intention during a deeply relaxed state. It is common to experience a lightness of being that comes with an expansion in consciousness. Motivation and overall wellness are added bonuses. It is healing that runs deep – on the cellular, subconscious and soul levels. This is the power of sound.

An experienced sound or Cymatic practitioner will tailor sessions to address your particular emotional and/or physical pain cycle. They will also provide you with new thought ancient wisdom tools to help sustain the frequency shift going forward. Sharada LaSpisa is a certified Cymatic practitioner, Reiki Master, Yoga Instructor and Sounder.

Gibbs, Chris. Cymatherapy: A Practical Guide for Everyone.Rothersthorpe:Paragon Publishing,2010.