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Sound Healing for Emotional Freedom

Emotional suppression, or stuck emotions can be the result of parental or societal conditioning. Think of the little boy who wasn’t allowed to cry or show fear because he was told at a young age to man up. Suppression can also be due to trauma such as an accident or physical abuse.

When we suppress or distract ourselves from uncomfortable emotions by turning to food, cigarettes, drugs, sex or any other distraction, the vibration of the emotion will continue to linger on and radiate in our mental, emotional, energetic and physical bodies. Over time this disruption or incoherence in the body system leaves us susceptible to pain and dis-ease. A lifelong pattern of suppressing low vibratory emotions will leave an indelible imprint on us and those around us as it becomes a central part of how we present ourselves in the world.

Most people have experienced coming across someone that simply gives off a bad vibe. This usually means we are coming across someone who hasn’t done the job of processing feelings of anger, hatred or resentment. These unresolved emotions are now permeating their being and coloring who they are. They walk around broadcasting their low vibratory field of hate and resentment out to others and as a result they are also drawing more of it in. This is true of any low vibrational emotion.Some people broadcast the frequency of sadness, or shame..etc. A broadcast sends out a signal to the universe that you are open to receive more to be saddened or shamed about. This is the law of vibration or as it is better known, “the law of attraction”.

It isn’t easy to remedy years of emotional suppression. The Sound In Recovery Program is an 8-week program that uses advanced sound technology along with other vibrational shifting energy medicine modalities tailored to pinpoint, dispel and transmute whatever stuck emotions are holding you back from living a full and vibrant life. Sound is used as the primary means of entraining the mind and body to healthier or higher vibrational frequency states.

As a result of shedding toxic suppressed emotions one begins to enjoy better health, joy and a newfound passion for living. Low vibrational emotions can be replaced with higher frequency, life sustaining emotions of your choosing such as joy, love and enthusiasm. Sound healing and energy medicine are not a substitute for psychotherapy or professional drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

Start the frequency shift today and discover the joy of living life vibrantly.


Grief – The Anniversary of September 11th

I re-call starting the morning of September 11, 2001 by attending a special yoga class. Hundreds of students came to practice Ashtanga yoga with the guru of the practice who had just arrived from India for the special event. I re-call how we moved as one to the rhythm of victorious breath. Soon into the practice, my two beaded bracelets suddenly broke and scattered their many crystal beads all over the streaming colors of yoga mats lined up row upon row across the stark studio floor. These two bracelets had been a part of my body for at least two years prior. I slept with them, showered with them and regularly practiced daily yoga with them. The sudden simultaneous rupture of both bands was a foreshadowing of the later morning events that would shake up and take a vicious bite of the apple of my beloved city. Crystals have long been known to absorb negative energy so it was no surprise that the bracelets unraveled and dispersed due to the energy of terror lurking in the air.

When class was over, I walked home to my west village apartment and was overtaken by a sense of serenity and calm that is likened to what one feels directly before a storm. As I stood in front of my building contemplating whether to get a morning coffee or not I gazed at the sky to notice fresh smoke emanating from one of the Twin Towers. As an empath, I immediately felt a wave of grief sweep over me as I thought of all the people who were inside that building on those burning floors. I knew that they were in deep trouble and were dying or about to die. Some people around me were speculating as to what had happened and one onlooker said they saw a plane crash into it.

As the events of the morning went on and news spread as to the terror attacks hitting the homeland. I witnessed first hand both buildings implode. Giant nuclear mushroom like clouds of cement, sheetrock, computers, plastic, flesh and bone. This was a scene straight out of Armageddon.

Witnessing the buildings I had grown up collapse and taking with them the lives of what we would later discover were 2,763 souls was more loss than I was able to handle. The elegant twins were part of my upbringing. My father was very proud to have been a core part of the construction team and we often toured them. To have them removed from the geographical landscape in one swipe was a re-write of not only my history but of the entire city’s.

Grief over the day’s events shook the city, the nation and the world for days and years. The collective grief of innocence lost still rattles us as we continue to live with the reverberation of consequences that day brought with it. It is natural to mourn and grieve after any loss. Loss is a part of life and like any other emotion it is meant to move through us. There is a distinction however between natural loss that occurs with old age or disease as opposed to the loss that results from things out of our control such as a traumatic event, a freak accident, suicide or as a result of substance abuse.

When loss is unexpected and tied to a trauma, grief can often remain stuck in our energy field. The weight and presence of unprocessed grief begins to spread to our physical and emotional body and may manifest as depression or other kind of mood disorder and or physical illness.

The anniversary of this day brings back a rush of memories for all of us. Our collective grief helps us to connect with each other’s humanity while also serving to soften our hearts to one another. This is the grace that comes from grief. It is a blessed reminder to Never Forget.
#AlwaysRemember & #NeverForget #September11th #trauma

Shining Light On The Shadow: Sound-based Recovery Support

You hear the dreaded words,”We need to talk“. You missed the FINAL submission deadline and to top it all off your favorite jeans are feeling way to snug after last night’s Italian fiesta. As life throws it’s steady stream of challenges, you find that your shadow side begins a slow and steady take over as if you were Dr. Jeckyll battling Mr. Hyde.

The shadow is the side of ourselves we don’t like to associate as part of our identity. Psychologist Carl Jung wrote, “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is” (Jung, 1938, p. 131). It is made up of fears, shame, guilt, grief, resentments, jealousy, anger and other aspects we don’t like to freely admit as part of our make-up. Our shadow, unmanaged can overwhelm us with brute force or it may simply linger or hide unconsciously in the mind and body.

Sound healing and vibrational shifting support tools such as breath work, guided visualization, meditation, bio-tuning and energy work entrain the body and brain to a relaxed and healthier resonant state. This foundation is key to experiencing unconditional presence and for diminishing the power of the shadow over us.

Significant shifts are usually felt within the first week or two of partaking in a customized sound & vibrational based support program. It takes roughly eight weeks for a healthier resonance to be sustained so that one is better equipped to integrate the shadow. Results are cumulative, subtle and yet profound.

Learn more about how you can up-level your recovery here: Sound-Based Recovery Support

Jung, C.J. (1938). Psychology and religion. Binghamton, NY: The Vail-Ballou Press, Inc.

Dispel Toxic Mind-Body Patterns with Sound Healing

Years ago, I tended to blame others or outside circumstances for the bulk of my problems. Thoughts like, “if only he loved me” or “if only I got that specialized degree … things would surely be better”. The fact of the matter is that incessant negative thinking only drove me deeper into a low frequency energy state where I could only imagine the proverbial glass as being half full.

It wasn’t until years later that I discovered many miracles can occur when one shifts energetically to a higher frequency state of being. I’m not talking about simple positive thinking or gratitude lists here. I am talking about a shift that goes beyond the intellect. A shift that runs deep – on the cellular, subconscious and soul levels. Enter the power of sound and vibrational healing.

If you aren’t happy with the results that your current thoughts, emotions and body are stuck in then you may want to take action in shifting your resonant operating frequency (ROF): the frequency your body and mind are operating in most often. Stress, illness, toxic thoughts or prior substance abuse negatively alter ROF leaving one to feel less than ok. According to Cymatic therapy expert, Chris Gibbs, symptoms such as pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression and lack of mental focus are just some of the health issues that result from lowered ROF.

Sound and vibrational sessions entrain the mind and body to healthier resonant frequency states. A healing shift can occur when sound is coupled with focused intention during a deeply relaxed state. It is common to experience a lightness of being that comes with an expansion in consciousness. Motivation and overall wellness are added bonuses. It is healing that runs deep – on the cellular, subconscious and soul levels. This is the power of sound.

An experienced sound or Cymatic practitioner will tailor sessions to address your particular emotional and/or physical pain cycle. They will also provide you with new thought ancient wisdom tools to help sustain the frequency shift going forward. Sharada LaSpisa is a certified Cymatic practitioner, Reiki Master, Yoga Instructor and Sounder.

Gibbs, Chris. Cymatherapy: A Practical Guide for Everyone.Rothersthorpe:Paragon Publishing,2010.

Is Depression Ruining Your Recovery?

An estimated 16.2 million Americans suffer from depression. Those in recovery are twice as likely to suffer from it or other mood disorders when compared to the general population. Recognized as a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities, depression is often accompanied with overwhelming sadness and problems in the areas of sleeping, eating, concentration, energy, and self-worth. (

Working with an experienced mental health professional when experiencing depression is always recommended. This is especially true when there is a tendency towards suicidal ideation or when there is a diagnosis of bi-polar or psychotic depression.

Complementary to working with a licensed therapist, support for depression can also be found in the growing field of alternative medicine. Sound and vibrational wellness tools such as Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field therapy, Cymatic therapy, and traditional sound healing instruments can all address the symptoms of depression with or without the use of medication.

Sound stimulates the nerves and cells of the body and brain with gentle and nurturing frequencies. A combination of sound and earth-based geomagnetic waves power up the electrical charge along with the resonant frequency state of the body’s cells. Like exercise, health frequencies keep cells fit, charged and functioning within their range of optimal wellness. This cellular exercise provides soothing regenerative support to the brain and body that is welcome relief after years of the damaging effects of long time drug or alcohol use. Repeated sessions have a cumulative effect of entraining the brain and body to a state of coherence and wellness that can be sustained when accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to knowing how to use such healing instruments, an experienced sound and energy medicine practitioner will assist with the important task of releasing trapped emotions that reside within the physical or energetic body of the affected client. According to vibrational medicine and ancient wisdom teachings, negative trapped emotions can lower a person’s overall vibration; directly contributing to depressed or other low vibrational states such as fear, self-pity, guilt…etc. Sound healing works by entraining the body and brain to higher and healthier frequency states. As a result of cumulative sessions, one can experience the true gifts of vibrant health, a relaxed and clear mindset and an overall feeling of expanded awareness.

Sound Healing to Higher Consciousness

You live life by the book. You work a program and you have a spiritual practice. But something still isn’t right. Years of toxic negative mental programming, from childhood or from your surroundings, keep you stuck in a perpetual state of stinking thinking? Limited beliefs permeate who you can be and what you can accomplish. These beliefs color your relationships, finances, your health and simply how you show up in the world.

Sound and vibration are invaluable tools for elevating consciousness. Frequencies entrain the physical and energy body to a place of coherence, optimal wellness, and deep states of relaxation so that the subconscious mind can finally free itself of negative programming.

Discover your true nature experientially rather than philosophically for truly divine transformation and growth. Live Vibrantly! Learn more at The Sound Code.

Self-Sabotage and Your Recovery

You’ve done the therapy, self-help and have even worked the 12 Steps only to find that your life is still very much colored by painful thoughts and emotions that bring with them the pattern of self-sabotaging behavior. You are tired of not living your dream life in recovery and you are tired of experiencing more of the same even though you have been sober for years.
Self-sabotage comes in different forms. If any of these behaviors describe you then you have fallen into a pain cycle that sabotages your future dreams:

1- You are a procrastinator. You don’t do what you say you are going to do
2- You play it small by hiding your talents. You dare not dream too large.
3- You dislike change and you do everything to keep the status quo.
4- You over do things.You work too much, eat too much,obsess over negativity too much…

The Sound In Recovery program at The Sound Code addresses self-defeating behavior such as self-sabotage. If this article resonates with who you are now join me in jumpstarting your shift towards a vibrant future. A future that resonates on a higher frequency: defined by clarity, action, gratitude, love and a shift towards higher consciousness. See what our one-month program can do for you

Emotional Healing Supports Recovery

In my early twenties, I had a problem with incessant smoking, using caffeine to bring me up and using downers to get me to sleep. I accredited this to the artist, bohemian lifestyle of living in Greenwich Village, NYC. The problem was that I was also a well-known full-time yoga instructor. I would take puffs of nicotine in alleys wearing sunglasses – hiding in the shadows.

The paradox of teaching yoga for healthy living while inhaling carcinogens was quite comical in hindsight. I was a vegetarian health nut in many ways living with a shadow. One day, while taking a deep inhale of nicotine the realization hit me that this habit that I disdained was simply a crutch for keeping me from feeling.

At that time in my life, I was addicted to relationships and all the drama surrounding them. Having grown up in a dysfunctional home I had become co-dependent with those I partnered with. I had plenty of emotions to stifle.

The realization that I was using cigarettes, caffeine and downers as a means to suppress my emotions was truly eye opening. Once I realized what I was doing, I was able to finally have a choice in the matter. I soon stopped turning to stimulants for daily coping. Today, I still choose to process my feelings instead of suppressing or ignoring them.

Unprocessed emotions cause real harm to the body and mind. According to energetic medicine expert, Louise Haye, fear and worry affect the urinary tract system and lead to anxiety and disease such as Parkinson’s. Anger and being overly-critical can lead to liver or gallbladder disease. A broken heart can lead to heart failure or a heart attack. Unchecked resentment can lead to cancer.

Addiction to drugs, alcohol and negative behaviors such as gambling, sex addiction, co-dependency and even negative stinking thinking all distract us from feeling our true emotions. When we choose to give up self-defeating habits, that take us outside of ourselves, we can take the time to finally look at the painful emotions we once ran from.

Sound and vibration are powerful tools for facilitating the release of embedded or stuck emotions. Accessing the subconscious mind with guided imagery and meditation help us to create with clarity and purpose new intentions for moving forward in our recovery.

Find out how the Sound in Recovery program can help you to make the shift to living a vibrant and healthy life in recovery.

Sound Healing: Frequency Focus -528 HZ

Did you know that their are some frequencies that promote deep healing on the cellular level? Such is the case with 528 HZ – aka the love frequency.

Environmental toxins, chronic stress, trauma, addictive substances such as drugs or alcohol can wreak havoc on our DNA and cellular integrity. Healing sounds and vibration medicine can help repair cellular damage while imparting a deep sense of calm, love and even divine connection.

So on this Valentine’s Day, practice self-care and self-love by keeping it tuned into 528 HZ. Easy to do by listening to Solfeggio sounds or by coming in for a sound-based healing session at The Sound Code. Re-claim your health!

Cellular Health and Cymatic Therapy

Cymatics is the process of using sound waves to generate change in material substances. The blue cymaglyphs illustrated show sacred geometric patterns produced when droplets of water are exposed to specific sound frequency instruments.

Peter Guy Manners, a British Osteopath, along with a group of other European doctors and researchers, studied the effects of different vibrational frequencies on the human body. All matter is comprised of energy and therefore has a Prime Resonant Frequency (PRF); a frequency which it naturally resonates with. Dr. Manners created a device that could deliver these frequencies to the body’s tissues, cells, bones, organs and glands so to encourage them back to a state of PRF or optimal performance.

When our body tissues and cells resonate with their respective PRFs, cellular function and cellular communication are naturally enhanced. Coherence replaces incoherence and we begin to feel better. Cymatherapy has incredible potential for rejuvenating the body and also for calming the mind. It has been used with amazing results for alleviating pain, inflammation and stress.
A protocol of 2-3 sessions per week is recommended for the duration of 6-12 weeks although some clients experience relief in just a few sessions. It can be used as an alternative or compliment to Western medicine.

Gilbert, Robert. “Foundations of Vibrational Medicine and the New Vibrational Science”